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ABOUT USOne Sky One World |
How “World Kite Day” Began
Michael Steltzer of Berlin, Germany then spread the word among the international kiteflying community to commemorate Jane’s peace gesture annually. International Kite Fly for Peace has become internationally recognized each year on the second Sunday of October as “World Kite Day”. Since its inception in October 1986, hundreds of thousands of people have attended One Sky One World events in more than 30 nations. The 32nd Annual One Sky One World will take place on Sunday, October 8, 2017. The Goal and Purpose
One Sky One World’s organizational purpose is to develop awareness of and respect for human and cultural diversity, nature and the environment at home and around the world. Public education in the technology of kites, art, history, and participation in age old practice of flying and building kites generates a greater sense of global community, enjoyment of nature and greater appreciation for all life on earth. The message becomes clear to thousands through the activity of flying kites in the universal sky. The One Sky One World OrganizationEvents are coordinated and promoted on a year round basis by a non-profit organization, based in Denver. To date, One Sky One World has not received significant funding from public or foundation sources. Operations are funded by donations from members of the OSOW Board of Directors, sponsoring organizations, individual participants and the sales of One Sky One World kites, pins and other insignia items. The organization has utilized part-time clerical and contracted with publications and web design staff. History and Accomplishments (1985-2001)OSOW events are sponsored in localities worldwide by a variety of business, community, service, government, educational and religious organizations concerned with promoting global friendship and environmental awareness. Such organizations include: United Nations and UNESCO Associations, Lions, Zonta and Kiwanis Clubs, kite clubs, recreation districts, schools and universities. OSOW events have received international notice in many books and publications including Associated Press stories and photos, Cable News Network (CNN) coverage which was the subject of a feature article in the Fall 1992 issue of the UNESCO Courier, distributed to all member nations of the United Nations.
At the 1992 kite fly in Denver, Colorado, Hopi Indian tribal leader, Patrick Dallas helped to launch “The Kite that Will Fly Around the World.” Having flown in the U.S., Colombia, Italy, England and Germany, the large white “parafoil” kite is on an extended voyage to major kite festivals around the world. Banners flown from its line are gathering signatures of peace minded people in each location where it is flown. In 1993 a major One Sky One World Kite Fly took place in Sioux City, Iowa, a site of major flooding during the summer of 1993. More than 1,000 people attended the fly which featured music and kite making workshops for kids. According to organizer, Kelly Guinan, “The city really got behind this event as a way to raise spirits and demonstrate a commitment to a peaceful and happy future”. Also in 1993 for the first time, Israel participated in the world peace effort at Afifonim Beach, Herzlia. Sunday is a workday in Israel, which inspired the event to take place on Saturday, October 9. The event featured Israel’s expert kitefliers, workshops where kites were made from recycled paper, live performances of peace and ecological songs, a peace wall painted by children, the flight of a special dove of peace kite, and Israeli Jewish and Arabic youths flying kites together. Kitefliers in Italy have been enthusiastic participants and supporters of One Sky One World since its inception. They have used the theme of kites and peace utilizing their inherently creative spirits to involve tens of thousands annually at a central OSOW event in Foligno. The Italian kite group from Foligno also made a special kite of peace which was presented to Pope John Paul in 1994, and, who in return, blessed the OSOW global peace events and kitefliers around the world. In 1996, through the cooperation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and in honor of the OSOW organization’s 10th Anniversary and its contributions to peace and environmental awareness, a OSOW Ready-to-Fly Kite became the first kite known to have traveled into space and fly around the world. The OSOW kite was on board Mission STF 72, the Space Shuttle Endeavor, launched on January 11, 1996. The kite spent 10 days circumventing the earth before returning to earth on January 20, 1996 at 2:41 AM. The kite along with a commemorative plaque presented by NASA will be donated to the extensive kite collection of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Locations where OSOW kite flies have taken place in the past and where kites are anticipated to again take flight in October, 2001 include: Cities in the majority of states of the U.S. and in Bombay, India; Berlin and Hamburg, Germany; Vienna, Austria, Sydney, Australia; Christ Church, New Zealand; Buenos Aires, Argentina; San Paulo, Brazil; Antwerp, Belgium; Montreal, Canada; Weifang, China; Madrid, Spain; Foligno, Italy; Medellin, Columbia; Shropshire and Essex, England; Bali, Indonesia; Patras, Greece; Seoul, South Korea; Lisbon, Portugal, Okinawa, Japan; Durbin and Cape Town, South Africa; Oostvoorne, Nederlands; Gîteborg, Fiskeb„ck, Sweden, Randers, Denmark and in Israel, France, Tasmania, Guam, Russia, Ukraine, Cuba, Hungary, Bosnia, and Singapore. The kite is a miraculous and universally recognized device which, by its interaction with people and nature, can touch the spirit of old and young alike. It reminds nearly everyone who holds the tether, subtly and simply, that life and our relationship to each other have more meaning when we can all play together in a positive way. Peace in the world begins with peace at home. Each individual, family and community must be aware of the problems of the world and make changes in their conduct and lifestyles to reclaim the earth from destruction. Information regarding participation in the 32nd Annual OSOW, the OSOW “Ready-to-Fly” Kites (like the kite taken aboard the Space Shuttle), the OSOW Paper Bag “Kite Kit” and other OSOW insignia items is available from: ![]() Long Beach, Washington Dissemination of information about staging and outcomes of OSOW events is carried out by a U.S. Internal Revenue Service sanctioned, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado. Its international board of directors is primarily composed of professional and lay kite specialists who have expressed strong and ongoing support for OSOW. To date, One Sky One World has not received significant funding from public or foundation sources. Operations are funded by donations from members of the Board of Directors, sponsoring organizations, individual participants and the sales of One Sky One World kites, pins and other insignia items. Web page sponsorships are also available to interested supporters. The organization has no paid staff and has operated with contracted publication and clerical staff. |