Dear OSOW,

I am writing to you on behalf of One Sky One World, a global initiative dedicated to promoting peace and environmental integrity through the art of kite flying. As you may know, our organization aims to inspire people all over the world to come together and work towards a common goal of preserving our planet and promoting unity among nations.

I am reminded of the words of Jimi Hendrix, “there are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke, but you and I have been through that, and this is not our fate, so let us stop talking softly now, the hour is getting late.” These words ring true even today and remind us of the urgency of our mission.

We believe that every individual can contribute to this great initiative, and I would like to take a moment to acknowledge some of the individuals who have already made a significant impact. People like Jane Parker-Ambrose, Alicja Szalska, Catarina Capelli, and Karen Guerzka have inspired us through their tireless efforts to keep the spirit of One Sky One World alive and thriving.

However, we know that we need more support to keep this grassroots movement going. We appeal to the young kiteflyers of the world to join us in our efforts to promote peace and environmental integrity. We want to make it easy for you to get involved, which is why we are providing a download area on our website where you can access the One Sky One World logo to use in your publications, on your kites, and at festivals.

We ask you to spread the word and promote our ideals. The rewards for this activity are not monetary, but rather the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a positive impact on our planet. We urge you to become active and involved and to document your activities so that we can share them with the world.

Mike Steltzer
Cofounder OSOW

In conclusion, we believe that together we can achieve our goal of preserving our planet and promoting unity among nations. Let us work together to spread the message of peace and environmental integrity through the art of kite flying.


Michael Steltzer Co-Founder One Sky One World

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